Wow!!! $22,536.04

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
We are so overwhelmed by your incredible support of our Walk to Remember. Our heart felt thanks to everyone, almost 100 people, who have donated already. We hope that this number will increase as we continue to raise funds through the end of the year.


I would like to express my personal thanks and gratitude to the generosity of members of the Sohmen Strollers and particularly Dr. Helmut Sohmen for his donation of $10,000USD to this effort. Helmut is the patriarch of the Sohmen Strollers, a wonderful informal international walking group in Hong Kong that Barry and I (Anda) have had the privilege to be a part of for 14 years. Helmut was in his early 60's when we first met him and he was a formidable walker, able to out-walk pretty much everyone in the group, through the extensive network of mountainous trails of Hong Kong that he knows so well. His passion and commitment to walking and his encouragement of friends, colleagues and diplomats to participate for pleasure companionship and personal health has been inspirational. Thank you Helmut.


If you have enjoyed our journey please do share this with your friends and ask them to donate one cent per mile or $21.89. Everything counts and no amount is too small. Donations can be made here.

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Penny (Wednesday, 19 August 2015 18:08)

    You two are surely an inspiration to many. I came a crossed you (And a) in Maine. We were up to visit my son. I spoke w/ you and gave you my water bottle. You were very tired and waiting for your friend to come out of the woods. You told me, I was a trail angel. <3 I am so happy that you made your goal. God bless