Wow, we have raised nearly $4000. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far. 

 Today is Day 96 of this epic journey. We won't be in wifi contact again until June 22.

How many Trail Angels are out there? Please donate to help us raise money for research to battle the terrible disease called Alzeimers. is where you can go, click on the 'Please Donate' button on the Home page or under the About Alzeimers tab (you will be linked to a secure page and will receive a tax receipt) become a Trail Angel on our donor list.

We are looking forward to seeing the total next Monday when the site is updated with donations of the previous week.

Thanks for your help.
Eveready and Unhinged

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    Barry (Thursday, 18 June 2015 10:35)

    Hi guys; was just handed $50 by a guy that I occasionally meet while walking Molly. He is quite enjoying your story. His name is Bernie James. Got to figure out how to donate and get him the receipt.

  • #2

    Euan & Gillian (Thursday, 25 June 2015 09:56)

    We have been distracted by the birth on Victoria's Isla on June 3 in Swift Current SK, but back on you site today catching up on your news and progress! Keep it going!