That's it. Pack is packed, boots have been waxed for the last time. We are counting down the hours before we throw ourselves into the long drive down to Georgia. All the details are fading
from my mind now. As I look out towards the first steps up to Springer Mountain. Standing on the peak and looking north towards Canada thousands of miles away. We will walk these 5 million steps.
We will be cold and wet, hot and sweaty. We will see incomparable vistas of a breathtaking land. And we will walk for all those people who can no longer remember the amazing lives they lived and
the wonderful experiences the had.
Follow us on our journey of 5 million steps. And please consider supporting the Alzheimer Society.
Write a comment
Nynke Bruinsma (Friday, 06 March 2015 09:11)
good luck! Can't wait to read all about it when you've taken the first few steps as onwards. Love you tons!!
Anda Bruinsma (Saturday, 07 March 2015 19:48)
Robert Harrison (Monday, 16 March 2015 10:02)
Arlene & I are in full support of you from our warm, cushy 6 Renfrew Avenue house. My last full trip was the Grand Canyon, where I not only had to carry all my gear but also water from one camp to another, so I have some idea of the slog gin you guys are experiencing. Keep writing. Good reading.